random thoughts

I want to know the Truth, All the worlds a lie, Broken are the foundations I believe in, The victories are defeats, With eyes never apart, The sky turns black from blue, With stones replacing hearts, Why are questions never asked? For in them lie the answers, Why must I tolerate greed and might? Why must I fly when I can fight? Why must I turn my around and keep quite? When will my heart turn to the light? - LOML

Thursday, October 19, 2006

This is my investigative project (IP)... I will be publishing each story in detail but had to put this unreadable version up cause I really like "the look"... :)

During college we were suppose to do an IP and I decided to do it on the Polavaram dam being built on the Godavari, in Andhra Pradesh. It is a huge multi purpose dam and is located in the Tribal areas of the Eastern Ghats and is going to effect 3 states once it is built.
Godavari is known for its Flash floods and many claim, is only second to the Brahmaputra River in the intensity and frequency of the floods.
And most villages are already facing the brunt of what is to come once the construction is complete... as the construction of the spill-ways was started earlier this year and of course without the required sanctions from the various ministry including the Forest ministry, because the dam is going to submerge a large part of the reserved forest cover in the area...
A story was published on the plight people living in the area, in the frontline recently.
Me because of my bias and snobbery of having researched and worked on the issue before the reporter did not appreciate it too much...
But then at least someone tried to get this into the public discourse.
But not to worry we are progressing and developing, the SEZs to be established along the coast of AP especially Vishakapatnam etc are to gain the most out of the Dam... :)



Blogger Krishna Ananth said...

The point is that someone ends up gaining out of the skewed development priorities... the sezs, hence have a lot of apologists because the gainers here are the articulate sections too.... and the losers do not have many to articulate for them... every new regime thrives only because it manages to coopt the articulate into its scheme..

1:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to add to the first comment, it is also about normalising inequity.

like god blesses america, development blesses the developed, well almost. if you are so backward as to NEED developemnt, you really dont deserve
it. stands to reason.
all power to you for exposing such "reason"

8:35 AM  

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