random thoughts
I want to know the Truth, All the worlds a lie, Broken are the foundations I believe in, The victories are defeats, With eyes never apart, The sky turns black from blue, With stones replacing hearts, Why are questions never asked? For in them lie the answers, Why must I tolerate greed and might? Why must I fly when I can fight? Why must I turn my around and keep quite? When will my heart turn to the light?
Found somewhere on the web and it has been posted here in Public Interest. Also since we seem to be headed the same way and the disease has spread far and wide, following the description of the disease are some examples of the symptoms showing up in our country.New STD: Gonorrhea Lectim
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of Sexually Transmitted Disease.
The disease is contracted through dangerous and high-risk behavior.
The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim and pronounced "gonna re-elect him."
Many victims contracted it in 2004, after having been screwed for the past four years. Cognitive characteristics of individuals infected include: anti-social personality disorders, delusions of grandeur with messianic overtones, extreme cognitive dissonance, inability to incorporate new information, pronounced xenophobia and paranoia, inability to accept responsibility for own actions, cowardice masked by misplaced bravado, uncontrolled facial smirking, ignorance of geography and history, tendencies towards evangelical theocracy, categorical all-or-nothing behavior.
Naturalists and epidemiologists are amazed at how this destructive disease originated only a few years ago from a bush found in Texas.
This was a story that caught me a little unaware cause although "have been there and done that"- seen the exploitation of resources by NGOs etc funding used for personal gain did not imagine our paranoia would lead us to believe the parts shown here in bold:Saturday, November 11, 2006 (New Delhi):
NGOs usually get away with a lot because of the status they enjoy but the government is increasingly coming down on them.So, much of money comes to them but where do NGO's spend all this. In an effort to curb corruption in this sector, the government now plans to keep tab on the money coming in from foreign contributors.Increasingly a question is being asked by the government that where is the money eventually spent.Even as the number of participants at India Social Forum and such platform to show their work goes up, so does the number of those being blacklisted by the government.
The government suspects that a large share of the Rs 6000 crore that comes in as aid every year is either being diverted for personal use or to fund terror groups.
So the story goes on to describe the governments plan and the NGO stand about Government officials being part of this... But really funding of terror groups is something that never came into my head even when I have abused and criticised the whole NGO culture... and maybe that's cause I still haven't caught the STD!!! :)(The money should be regulated, and kept tabs on etc cause a lot of it is misused but to bring in the whole terror angle even the minuscule amount of work some of these organisations are able to do will become impossible)Labels: Quasi Political
Just as thoughts are random my posts seem to be becoming more and more random... I can never complete what I start and branch off into so many things at the same time... some of the charm lies in that I suppose, considering it is called articulating confusion...But getting back to things around me, one of the biggest things in the city has been Municipal Corporation' sealing drive... I haven't been able to figure it all out but some stuff, since i was covering it i wrote an impulsive mail to my dad about the strangeness of the whole thing; it follows:It is really disillusioning considering that it is so politically motivated and so strange- the protests I mean... I was talking to ******** yesterday and something he said made some sense and articulated my discomfort with what is happening- HE said it is Mandal all over again and that's really true considering the designer wear aunties and the blond streaked hair uncles screaming and shouting how all this is so unfair....
There are all kinds of problems with it, one of them being wherever there are the Black protests flags of the traders accompanying them are the BJP flags
the people on the streets are not the people who'll suffer the most cause they have just given up and so much noise is being made cause the people being affected are the ones who can afford to make all that noise...And the ones who are throwing stones etc are mostly hired goons or passers by who like the excitement of being on air
God it is embarrassing to see what people can do for a TV camera!!! The camera goes left the protesters go left, it goes right they go right, it goes back they come forward... and all the screaming and shouting is reserved for the camera... I have been to more than one protest of the kind.
Also the whole scene reminds me of the "sting operation" that Tehlka did with the defence deals, and weren't they able to do it cause someone for the congress was supporting them...?
well if that is the way things are it is a bit disheartening
I can't make up my mind if i am on any one's side at the moment... much more to say, but later have to rush now.:)
Labels: Quasi Political
OK, now that I’ve already made some noise about the ludicrous trial of Saddam, I have been flooded with stuff written about it, but I haven't had the time to go through all of it, and I don't want this to become a post mortem, so am writing my immediate reaction to the verdict: Well, first of all I found it very strange that so little noise was made about it, and now if they do hang him, it is a complete and absolute ridicule of any concept of justice and the legal system in the 'civilized world' that we claim to be liberating saving and democratizing, according to me.
What right does the American government have to try any other country's leader, whether he was a dictator or not, they did support him and even if they didn't they are self proclaimed upholders of democracy who are causing more violence, chaos and unrest in the nations they are liberating than existed before they arrived.
And if they were going in for the "democratic proceedings," why did they change the judges, continue the trial without his lawyers, never let the media hear what Saddam had to say... No body is saying he was great and he should not be tried; but the trial and the verdict were worse than a farce... they were pathetic in terms of "fair democratic judicial ruling"
One of the main issues I came across was that people ( who have been talking about the Iraqi invasion and violence and American brutality etc) seemed a little reluctant to make a lot of noise about is because being against the trail would hint at being pro Saddam....?
But for god's sake nothing is as simple and plain as that and the trial and the verdict needed to be challenged on their own terms... Or so I feel , and also felt that it became about everything except the bizarre proceedings of the whole trial.
I have also been wondering are we sometime soon going to get the opportunity to go through this farce again with the monkey man and his supports considering:
Saddam Hussein former Iraqi president. Charged with crimes against humanity for involvement in the killing of 148 Shia Muslims in the town of Dujail in 1982. Charges included the murder of a total of 157 people, the illegal arrest of 399 people, torturing women and children and the destruction of farmland. Saddam Hussein was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging.
AND now-
An estimate by US scientists in October 2006 suggested that about 655,000 civilians had been killed since the 2003 US-led invasion. Western human rights campaigners give much lower figures - between 42,000 and 47,000 civilians - but point out many deaths probably go unreported. About 3,000 coalition troops - more than 2,800 of them Americans - have died in Iraq in the same period.
DESPITE- The issue of counting the number of Iraqis killed since the US-led invasion is highly controversial and the figure is disputed. The US and UK military authorities do not record the number of civilians killed by their forces. The security situation and administrative chaos also make counting extremely difficult. It is hard to calculate reliable figures for the dead and wounded because of the chaotic state of Iraq's institutions.
Labels: Quasi Political