random thoughts

I want to know the Truth, All the worlds a lie, Broken are the foundations I believe in, The victories are defeats, With eyes never apart, The sky turns black from blue, With stones replacing hearts, Why are questions never asked? For in them lie the answers, Why must I tolerate greed and might? Why must I fly when I can fight? Why must I turn my around and keep quite? When will my heart turn to the light? - LOML

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Found somewhere... Thought makes sense to publish it in public interest especially in light of the world temperament:

What is my religion?
Am I a Hindu?
Am I Christian, a Buddhist or a Muslim?
What difference does it make to the man who is standing next to me in a queue for a bank deposit?
Will I be served extra whipped cream in my cappuccino if I follow a certain faith!
Or will I have a halo, wings or perhaps a special mark that will distinguish me to be of a certain religion?
Why should trivial issues matter such as my color, race or religion come in between us!
How does my faith get in the way I govern my country and my people!
Just because a man is “black” why should he be condemned, why can he not function as well as any other man?
Or will being “white” immune you form all worldly troubles, will it guarantee you immunity?
It is funny how easily we forget the past!
A past filled with horror, have you forgotten it is taking us years to fight the war against Apartheid.
And this war is still not over, so why do you take on a new one!
Besides why should your religion be better over mine?
Why don’t all religion show us the guidelines to life.
Why can’t Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha and Ram be equals?
You have to admit it is not an impossible dream it’s just a forgotten reality.



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